Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's Not Easy

You never know when life will feel overwhelming again and there is nothing that you can do about.  You have to settle on what life has flung at you.  That happened today to me.  I recently moved into a new dwelling with my fiancé (also in recover) and our yellow Labrador and things have been less than happily ever after.
Our dog is perfect in our eyes but she does have a problem when we leave of barking and freaking out for about 10 or 15 minutes which tends to wake up our upstairs neighbors and their young baby.  We have only been here a week and now we may have to move again.  It caused a full out mental breakdown today and I wish I could have just hid all day, but alas, I cannot do that anymore.  It really is hard to deal with unexpected life changes in a healthy way.

So, I handled it the only way I know how now since we couldn’t leave the house again, I cried.  It doesn’t make anything better but it also doesn’t hurt anyone.  A year and a half ago, I would have drank over something like this to make the worry go away but that is no longer an option for me.  How do you cope with these little hiccups in life in a healthy way?

A little history on me, I am an alcoholic.  I hate saying it.  I am not proud to admit it but it is who I am and I am working on owning it and making a positive instead of a negative, hence, this new blog.   I have lots of debt and post disaster cleanup to do but one step at a time.  I am hoping to focus on helping those with the same financial burdens, personal and spiritual inconsistencies and just life’s little fears and joys so I hope someone one day may read this and get some hope, help and, most important, laughter.

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